
The Fort-Elden property is comprised of 18 mineral tenures that total 2,828.6 hectares in area. The mineral claims are located 100 km west of Fort St James, BC in an area underlain by a complex geological sequence of Permian-Triassic Takla Group/Asitka Assemblage which includes biotite metasediments/metavolcanics, peridotite, pyroxenite, and gabbro that are cut by Jurassic monzonite, diorite, and foliated quartz diorite as well as Tertiary age quartz-feldspar porphyry, monzonite, diorite, latite, extrusive equivalents and hydrothermal breccia. The property features copper-silver-molybdenum-lead-zinc-gold bearing sulphide minerals which include chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, molybdenite, sphalerite, galena and covelite. Associated alteration minerals include K-feldspar, sericite, kaolinite, biotite, silica, magnetite, hematite, chlorite, muscovite, jarosite, ankerite, epidote, garnet, sphene, apatite, and trace amounts of lucoxene and zircon. Mineral deposit types present on the Fort-Elden property are classified as porphyry and epigenetic characterized by disseminated, vein and breccia hydrothermal systems. Defining this target are two plus 12.5 mV chargeability anomalies flanking either side of a resistivity high with coincident copper-silver-molybdenum soil geochemical anomalies. The anomalies measure 300 m by 900 m and 300 m by 600 m, and the Elden Breccia occupies a portion of one of the anomalies. The Elden Breccia features abundant secondary K-spar alteration, secondary green biotite, and hydrothermal silica.
Geochemical (soil and rock chip sampling) and geophysical (magnetometer grid) fieldwork carried out in March, 2010 focused on the Elden Breccia where a total of 41 soil samples (at 50 m spacing), and 164 magnetometer readings (at 12.5 m spacing), were taken along 2.1 km of east-west trending grid lines. Geochemical highlights (based on Pioneer Laboratories Inc, geochemical analysis certificate 2102609) of the Elden grid include.