Torch River Resources Ltd. (“Torch” or the “Corporation”) (TSX-V: TCR) (FRANKFURT: WNF) (U.S. pink sheets: TORVF) is pleased to announce results from a total of 48 rock chip samples from Mount Copeland were analyzed for REE & multi-element ICP-MS carried out at Pioneer Labs Inc,, Richmond, BC (certificate number 2111123), and ALS Minerals, N Vancouver (certificate number VA11211509). Elevated values of cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, praseodymium, samarium, dysprosium, gadolinium, zirconium, thorium, molybdenum & niobium occur in 24 of 48 rock chip samples. Management is encouraged
by these expanding results.
The north slope of Mt. Copeland was covered by a glacier when the high grade molybdenum mine closed in 1973. Subsequent melting of the glacier has allowed Torch to conduct surface prospecting above the old underground mine site and entry adit. The Marble Ridge Breccia Zone was the location of rock chip sample AR22 which contained, as previously reported, total REEs of 4.13%. The average of the new samples 821, 828, 829, 832, 834 and 838 is over 1.2% REEs and ranges over 300 meters of strike length. As reported on October 5, 2011 samples 804,805,808,809 and 810 averaged .67% REEs. A new reassay of these samples
returned .91% REEs (certificate number VA11238839). This area will be a main target of our 2012 drill program.
In addition to rock chip sample a detailed magnetometer survey was carried out over a 350 X 200 m area to locate zones of pyrrhotite and/or magnetite/ilmenite (which are magnetic and paramagnetic minerals). The magnetometer survey revealed numerous 1000-3,000 nT anomalies located on and adjacent to the marble breccia ridge crest. The magnetometer anomalies represent future drill targets because pyrrhotite, magnetite and ilmenite are closely associated with elevated rare earth elements.
The geological setting for the Copeland molybdenite occurrence is within concordant bodies of nepheline syenite gneiss that occur adjacent to the calc-silicate gneiss and marble unit. The syenite have locally developed an augen texture with large porphyryblasts of K-feldspar in a fine-grained groundmass. Calc-silicate assemblages contain diopside, garnet and actinolite. Carbonates and carbonatites are re-crystallized to medium and locally coarse-grained
Lithologies present are summarized as follows:
8- Syenite Aplite/Syenite Pegmatite: K-feldpsar, kaolinite, sericite, calcite, biotite, fluorite, garnet, sphene,
specularite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, molybdenite, ilmenite, chalcopyrite, scheelite, tourmaline, apatite, riebeckite,
poikilitic aegirine, zircon, zeolite, cancrinite, and analcite
7- Hangingwall Syenite Gneiss, Nepheline Syenite: K-feldspar, green/brown phlogopite, calcite, chlorite,
accessory apatite, zircon, sphene, tourmaline, sphene, apatite, riebeckite, poikilitic aegirine, zircon, fluorite,
zeolite, cancrinite and analcite
6- Biotite-Amphibole Marble: weathered and deeply pitted appearance, biotite, hornblende, chlorite, marble
(granoblastic), actinolite, diopside
5- Black Biotite Amphibole Gneiss: biotite, hornblende, chlorite, oligoclase, magnetite
4- Quartzite Gneiss:feldspar, granular, interbedded marble bands, actinolite & diopside
3- Footwall Schist: massive biotite, minor feldspar, chlorite
2- Footwall Syenite Gneiss: microcline/oligoclase, green/brown mica, chlorite
1- Green Diopside Gneiss: 50% feldspar, 10-35% biotite, 2-10% green diopside,
Mount Copeland Glacier Zone features underground production (1970-73) that extracted 169,729 tonnes and recovered 2,625,046 pounds (1,190,713 kilograms) of molybdenum. When the Mount Copeland Glacier Zone molybdenum mine went into production in 1970, development work (diamond drilling, mapping, sampling) indicated there was 163,340 tonnes @ 1.1% Mo (Fyles, 1973). Mount Copeland nepheline syenite complex geologically correlates with the west flank of the Frenchman’s Cap gneiss dome, which includes REE enriched deposits located along the Perry River/Ratchford Creek and Mount Grace areas.
The fieldwork carried out in 2011 on Mount Copeland was conducted and supervised by Andris Kikauka, P.Geo., a Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Kikauka has reviewed the contents of this news release. Torch River Resources will be following up REE, Mo, Nb & Th bearing mineralization on its 100% owned Mount Copeland mineral property. In order to assess Copeland Project mineral resources Management will be conducting surface sampling and diamond drilling in the area of the molybdenum-niobium bearing vein type mineralization (Glacier Zone) and exploring granoblastic replacement type mineralization (Marble Breccia Ridge Zone).